Pennywise Cash (PTY)

Discover all CMM Micro Loans (PTY) solutions for you

Take charge of your financial goals with our simpler, more affordable financial solutions.

01. Business Loan

A business loan is a loan specifically intended for business purposes...

02. Car Loan

If you want to borrow money for a major purchase, such as a car, a personal loan is your most convenient option..

03. Home Loan

Buying your first home, constructing or simply renovating? Our flexible home loan will give you the financial boost you need to support your project

04. Personal loan

Want to buy a car or renovate your home? If you take out a personal loan, we’ll transfer the money to you as a lump sum.

05. Education Loan

Looking for a loan as a student? Apply for international student loans through Pennywise Cash (PTY) Financing.

06.Insurance Cover

Get a Insurance cover, we provide any amount of money for your illness,funeral,accident , etc.
